






China's export of hard alloys increased slightly in the first half of the year

issuing time :2019-10-26

In the first quarter, the demand for international tungsten market remained sluggish. In the second quarter, the demand for international tungsten market showed a warming trend. The number of orders for inquiries increased slightly, and the amount of tungsten products exported showed a growth trend.

? ? According to customs statistics, China Tungsten Association exported 14075.74 tons of tungsten products from January to August (excluding hard alloys, tungsten metal, the same below), an increase of 12.36% year-on-year, an increase of 4.84 percentage points over the period from January to June, of which exports The original quota of tungsten products was 10121.32 tons, an increase of 2349.80 tons, an increase of 30.24%, an increase of 8.98 percentage points over the period from January to June; the export value was 423 million US dollars, down 14.92% year-on-year, a decrease of 5.58 percentage points from January to June.

? ? The export of cemented carbide increased slightly. China Tungsten Association's cemented carbide branch statistics 32 companies exported 3,129 tons of hard alloys in the first half of the year, an increase of 2.66%.

? ? According to customs statistics, China Tungsten Association imported 2121.82 tons of tungsten products (excluding hard alloys, tungsten metal, the same below) from January to August, down 10.31% year-on-year, of which 1,148.76 tons of imported tungsten concentrates, down 11.98% year-on-year; The import value was 51.88 million US dollars, down 29.15% year-on-year. Due to Russia's cancellation of tariffs on tungsten concentrates, the import of tungsten concentrates increased significantly in August, but the total amount of imported tungsten products still declined year-on-year, and the decline has expanded.

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